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WPCA Regular Meeting Minutes 3-4-03

MINUTES                                                                                                     PAGE 1
REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                        MARCH 4, 2003                        

Members present:        Joseph Carino, Chairman; Ed Havens, Jr.;        Richard Aries(arrived 7:35); Robert Dickinson; Clifford Slicer; Timothy Moriarty;
        Michael Gauthier (alternate)

Members absent:         Carol Fletterick
Staff present:                Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control


Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:30.  Mr. Gauthier was appointed to fill in as a voting member in place of Carol Fletterick.


December 17, 2002 and February 4, 2003

Motion to approve the minutes of December 17, 2002 as presented.
        Motion was made by Mr. Slicer
        Seconded by Mr. Moriarty
        The motion carried 6 to 1, with Mr. Dickinson abstaining

Motion to approve the minutes of February 4, 2003, as presented
        Motion was made by Mr. Havens
        Seconded by Mr. Slicer
        The motion carried unanimously


Summerwood Senior Residence Development (Approval to connect)

Galen Semprebon, of Design Professionals, Inc. was present representing Horseshoe Lane Associates, LLC seeking approval for connection to the Town’s sewerage system for a Senior Residence to be located off Sharon Drive, South Windsor, CT.  This will be a 17-unit senior residence development.  There will be a public road ending with a cul de sac and a private road within the development.  All units will be individual ranch or townhouse style with laterals to each unit.  Proposal is for an extension of the public sewer, an existing manhole is located on Sharon Drive, about 120 feet to the east of the proposed entrance road.  The extension will be along Sharon Drive to a new manhole, and an extension in the cul de sac with another manhole located there.  A private line will then be installed within Summerwood Lane to service the units.  The entire sewer will be built to the standard requirements including an 8” sewer pipe, with a 2% slope.  Chairman Carino had concern regarding the location of the sewer line, according to the proposed map this sewer line will be located in the middle of the pavement.  Mr. Semprebon stated the sewer line and manholes will be located exactly where shown on the map.  

MINUTES                                                                                                     PAGE 2
REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                        MARCH 4, 2003                        


Motion was made to approve the application of Horseshoe Lane Associates, LLC for connection to the Town’s sewerage system of a senior residential development located on Summerwood Lane, South Windsor, CT as more specifically  shown on Drawing No. 7/11, entitled “Topographic Plan for Summerwood Senior Residence Development”, prepared by Design Professionals, Inc. South Windsor, CT; Job No. 1468, dated 11-26-02, with revisions dated 1-16-03 and 1-28-03 and subject to the following conditions:
Sewer line must be placed as shown on the approved map and subject to the technical approval of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department.
        Motion was made by Mr. Moriarty
        Seconded by Mr. Slicer
        The motion carried unanimously

Dee Zee Ice, Sandra Drive (Approval to Connect)

Chris Eseppi, of PDS Engineering & Construction, Inc. was present representing Dee Zee Ice, for approval of a commercial building located on Lot #9 Sandra Drive, South Windsor, CT. This will be a 6,200 square foot manufacturing facility, the product they will manufacture is ice.  There will be floor drains located in the building, trucks will be allowed to pull in to pickup the ice and the truck may be parked inside during the cold weather therefore an oil/water separator tank will be required and installed in the building.  The oil/water separator is checked on an annual basis.  The applicant is required by the Town to obtain a permit from the State DEP regarding the installation of the oil/water separator.  Mr. Shaw had only one other issue to be addressed, a large amount of the water will not be discharged into the sewer and it was recommended a meter be installed to measure the flow. This approval will also allow the owner to install a private water meter to measure the amount of flow to the sewer system. If at some future time the use of the building is changed it will be necessary for the applicant to return to the WPCA for another approval.  
Motion was made to approve the application of Dee Zee Ice for connection of a commercial building to the Town’s sewerage system for property located at Lot #9 Sandra Drive, South Windsor, CT as shown on Drawing No. C-101, entitled “ Site Plan, Project Name: Dee Zee Ice”, prepared by PDS Engineering & Construction, Inc., Bloomfield, CT; dated 10-10-02, with revisions dated 10-23-02, 10-28-02, 12-12-02, 1-9-03, 1-28-03, 2-18-03 and subject to the following conditions: this approval is for the specified use and size of the building shown in the current plans; technical approval of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department.
        Motion was made by Mr. Slicer
        Seconded by Mr. Aries
The motion carried unanimously


MINUTES                                                                                                     PAGE 3
REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                        MARCH 4, 2003                        


Authorization to transfer remaining balance for Capital Project 004-4600-4606-320 to Capital Reserve Fund Balance

Mr. Shaw explained the remaining balance for Capital Projects in the amount of $66,816.28 should be transferred to the Fund Balance.  The remaining balance is the balance from the Benedict Drive Pump Station improvements.  
Motion to approve the transfer of  $66,816.28 for capital project 004-4600-4606-320 to the Capital Reserve Fund Balance.
        Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
        Seconded by Mr. Gauthier
        The motion carried unanimously

Authorization for business use of private meter at 1496 John Fitch Blvd.

Mr. Shaw explained to the Authority that a business located at 1496 John Fitch Blvd., which manufactures soap, claims that a significant portion of the water used goes into the manufacture of their product and not into the Town’s sewerage system.  Mr. Shaw looked at the system and found a single dedicated line was connected for the processing, no floor drains are in the building.  A meter was previously installed, but a problem occurred with that meter, this meter has been replaced in the same location. It is the responsibility of the business to monitor this flow on a monthly basis.  At the end of the year this figure is sent to us and subtracted from the total water bill consumption figure we received from the water company, the difference is the amount the business is billed for sewer usage.  Mr. Shaw recommended the Authority approve the business use of the private meter to monitor the water and determine the accurate flow going to the Town’s sewer system.
Motion to approve the business use of a private meter at 1496 John Fitch Blvd., pursuant to previously established procedures.
        Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
        Seconded by Mr. Slicer
        The motion carried unanimously

Authorization to bill Industrial/Commercial Sewer Users – FY 2002/2003

A copy of the proposed Industrial/Commercial Sewer User Charges (Attachment A) was sent with the agenda.  Mr. Shaw explained this years billing represents a 5.99% decrease in total flow, and a 3.22% decrease in revenue.  
Motion was made to authorize the billing of the FY 2002/2003 Industrial/Commercial Sewer User Charges.
        Motion was made by Mr. Dickinson
        Seconded by Mr. Slicer
        The motion carried unanimously


MINUTES                                                                                                     PAGE 4
REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                         MARCH 4, 2003                        


Mr. Shaw brought up the matter of surcharges, which have not been assessed since the early 1980’s. Surcharges are based on the cost of removing higher strength solids from the wastewater.  One of the companies in Town, through the reports we receive, seems to have their solids levels increasing, we will be monitoring this on a regular basis to see if in fact this was just a one time increase or if there is a continuous occurrence.  This company could be facing large surcharges in the future.  Surcharges are determined based on the cost of removing a pound of total solids (BOD).  All the businesses in Town, who have industrial flow, are required to pay for their own pre-treating.  This is the same business that was assessed surcharges previously, at that time they installed their own pre-treatment equipment to clean up the waste before it got into the sewers, because of the surcharges they were assessed at the time.  Now it appears they may need to upgrade their system or incur higher surcharges that could reach $70,000 - $80,000.  We will be setting up our own monitoring equipment and collecting our own data.  The company is required by the Town and the State DEP to monitor the discharge and make any necessary changes to bring the discharge within acceptable limits.  

Mr. Shaw reported on two project completions.  The Benedict Drive pump station project has been completed, there was a difference of opinion concerning the performance of the contractor and also the engineer who was to monitor and do the inspections.  Mr. Shaw has worked with the Town Attorney and the issues have been resolved.

The Clark Street pump station is another project that is close to being completed.  It has gone over the allotted time for completion, it was due to be completed by the end of December.  There was a problem with the alignment of the pumps, the problem was due to interference with the laser equipment that is used in aligning the pumps.  There was some distortion from the overhead fluorescent lights in the pump station when the pumps were put in they were not aligned properly, they were in operation for several months and at that point caused some problems with damage to the equipment.  All the pump components that were damaged have been replaced.  The project is almost completed, there is some training to be completed and a punch list to be finished.  The project is expected to be completed by the end of this month.  

The Pleasant Valley pump station is the next project to be undertaken.  This is a small pump station location outside the Veterans Memorial Pool along the Podunk River.  The applications to Inland/Wetlands and Planning & Zoning have been submitted and approved.  The engineering work has been completed and we are going out to bid on Friday, March 7th.  The budget for construction is in next years proposed budget.  There are 8 other pump stations to upgrade.  In the proposed budget $209,000 was proposed for the Pleasant Valley Pump Station, it may be higher than anticipated.  The bids for this project will be opened around April 4th and we will know more at that time.  The other items in the capital budget involved the upgrade of the submersible pump stations. An application to the State for low interest loans to do the Pleasant Valley Pump Station as well as the other pump stations in Town has been submitted.

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REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                        MARCH 4, 2003                        


We have not received anything in writing, but have been told we will receive the low interest loan, it is a 2%, 20- year loan.

 The Facility Plan is still being reviewed by DEP.  Mr. Shaw is working with Robinson & Cole on the wording for a resolution.  We have been informed that the Bond Commission will not approve the design work independent from the construction work.  The Town is required to pledge money for the design phase as well as the construction phase of this project.  We will be reimbursed retroactively for the design and construction phase of this project.




Motion to adjourn was made at 8:40 by Mr. Slicer
        Seconded by Mr. Havens
        The motion carried unanimously